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Cookie policy

Dear Visitor, we use only essential cookies to guarantee a good user experience on our website. Below, you can find the description of the cookie we use, what cookies are used for, and how you can change your preferences.
Cookies are small bites of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive. Every time you revisit our website, your web browser sends these cookies back to us so we can customize your experience and better match your interests and preferences or simply we can facilitate your signing in to use our services.
The cookie we use allows us to recognize each returning consumer and his relevant information, so he does not need to input the same information more than once. It also helps us to understand visitor traffic patterns through our website, so we can enhance the usability. Look at the type of cookie we use in our website.
We use essential cookies in order to enable you to receive the services that you request through our website. Without these cookies, the required services cannot be provided. For example, these cookies may be used to:
  • Allow you to access secure areas of our website without logging-in into the service continuously;
  • Remember your previous actions (such as completing an online form) when navigating back to a page in the same session.
Possiamo utilizzare cookies (file di testo di piccole dimensioni trasferiti dal server Web al computer dell’utente) e  altre tecnologie di lettura e/o archiviazione di informazioni sul dispositivo dell’utente come fingerprinting, email tracker o Clear GIF/Beacons, il cui scopo è informare il server riguardo agli accessi dell’utente a quella determinata pagina Web, e di altre eventuali notizie che ricava dai parametri leggibili del sistema tramite funzioni contenute nella pagina Web, per personalizzare e facilitare l’esperienza di navigazione degli utenti e, in alcuni casi previo loro consenso, per arricchire la profilazione degli utenti per fini pubblicitari e/o commerciali.  I cookies possono essere “temporanei” (o di sessione, sono cancellati al termine del collegamento) o “permanenti” (restano memorizzati nel disco fisso dell’utente, a meno che l’utente stesso non li cancelli).
The cookies used by our websites and our apps are divided into the two types as identified by the Italian DPA (“Privacy Authority”) with the General Provision “Cookies” dated 8 May 2014, whose statements are followed by the Owner as it concerns the information and need/modality of getting the consent. Notably, this advice represents also the extension of the concise banner already displayed when connecting to the website and/or when the APP is installed.
For all the websites regulated by this policy, here below please find the details of the used cookies/other profiling technlogies.
On the basis of the above mentioned Italian DPA‘s Provision, our websites and apps use:
“Technical Cookies” necessary to the operation of the website/APP and/or to the supply of a service requested by the User. This category of cookies includes the analytics implemented by the Owner of the website to gather aggregated information on the number of users and on the way they visit the website.
It is also possible to manage/deactivate the cookies directly from the browser settings.
To have further information concerning how to set up the preferences on the cookies use through your browser, please have a look at the instructions:
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
To oppose to the use of profiling tools other than cookies (like beacons/Clear Gif/email trackers) please refer to the following email address:
The use of further lasting cookies and session cookies (that are not persistently stored on the computer by the User and that disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting in random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the website. The so called session cookies used by the website prevent the use of other computer techniques potentially prejudicial for the privacy on the user’s browsing and they don’t allow the acquisition of the user’s personal information.
Those subjects the personal data refer to have the right to obtain in every moment the confirmation about the existence or not of such data and to know their content and their origin, to verify their correctness or to ask for their integration, updating or correction (Legislative Decree nr.196/2003, art.7).
As provided for by the mentioned article, people have the right to ask for the cancellation, modification into anonymous form or the blockage of the data processed in breach of the Law. People have as well the right to oppose to the data processing in any case, for legitimate reasons. The requests have to be forwarded to this email address: